Tools, Localization, and Crafts Oh My!

As my internship moves along I can see the finish line in my scope and I’m sad! I don’t want to be finished … I’m getting ahead of myself here. The last few weeks have been busy. Continuing work on my tool. I have now got the HTML in a fully localizable format and the CSS and other source files happily hosted on DropBox public files (sorry GitHub but you can’t host readable files why?!?!).  My last hurdle seems to be to figure out how to scale the slides into my popup window … Well there I go getting ahead of myself again. Quick reminder of my project: To create an automated method of providing expressed permission to begin contribution to the Mozilla Support Documentation Knowledge Base.

To do this I decided to create a quick tutorial where I use the existing documentation in a slide format that pops up over the template for writing an article. At the end the contributor gets a badge (still working on that) and hopefully feels like they are fully authorized, validated, patted on the back and ready to contribute! I have had 2 other groups show interest in using my template when it is done, so I will be writing an article on not only how to localize the tutorial but also how to modify the content so it can be used by any other group/alternate topic.

Next up is localization documentation review. My first task is to make sure that all the documentation does not have holes. First thing I noticed is there is no documentation if you are a localizer who wants to review translations. Task no. 1: Write that article. Task no. 2: Create a resource page with links to all the Localization Dashboards for the different languages. Hopefully by Monday. Go fingers go!

And Lastly Crafty! It has been progressing swimmingly. We did a big push to get people interested in making contributor recognition gifts. We made 11 and I got them all mailed out yesterday! It is really gratifying. My antidotal bit on this was presenting Crafty to the Community Building Team’s recognition pathways working group, I shared pictures of the work we had done. One of the tags was for a volunteer in India who was on the call and he was ecstatic to see his recognition gift. I made it for him and I felt really great to feel his excitement. It was really wonderful to feel that sense of the Mozilla Culture of Recognition growing though me! Here is my Mozilla The Recognition group requested a step by step set of instructions so they could take this method of hand made recognition gifts to other offices Here is my blog post on the subject:

I'm a mild mannered community oriented lady who is coming out of a very long relationship and rediscovering myself. I have found so far that I love strange people of all varieties, on the bus, in the park, at work or next to me at dinner. They inspire and intoxicate me. Thank you San Francisco for providing all a woman could ask for.

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